WIX Competitors

pageBuzz.com is a direct competitor of WIX.com although we are very different companies and offer very different services.

  • We have lost a lot of customers moving over to WIX.com

  • We have gained a lot of customers moving from WIX.com

I think WIX offers a much more flashy product and much easier to build a website with more animation and pizazz. While pageBuzz.com is more structural and we concentrate of functionality, ecommerce and advanced programming.

When I was younger I was obsessed with fishing and would spend all my money on fishing tackle and the latest fishing lures.

My dad always said, "fishing lures catch fishermen not fish".

And for the most part he, as always, was right. I would spend all my money buying flashy lures because I liked them not that I ever caught fish with them.

And that is the problem with WIX built website it is all about impressing the website owner and not about actually doing something for them or their business.

WIX lures people in with fancy graphics and animations but provide very little in the form of website programming.

In fact, in many cases, they don't even provide DNS services asking customers to use outside name servers to direct websites to IP addresses rather than to their network.

To me, when a technology company avoids having technology that is a good reason to avoid them.

Another inherent problem with WIX is the fact that they are so FLASH based for the simple reason the FLASH website are invisible t other search engines.

I demonstrated this to several customers moving from WIX. I showed them that they had 1 page indexed in Google, Yahoo and Bing and that was the home page only and the only data in the searches was a text blurb at the bottom that mentioned it was hosted at WIX.com.

Search engines don't read FLASH, so when they crawl the website, they see blank pages.

That is also a problem with users since not all browsers support the current flash versions.

When I tried to do research to with this page I found all the pages on the WIX website and on my computer a 3 years old browser running windows XP the pages came up blank.

This has been my gripe with WIX from day one, their sites just don't work on too many users computers and people don't understand how that is problem.

If 99% of your market speaks English, you would not build your website in Spanish because your customers wont understand it.

So not only will you NOT get some natural search engine traffic, people wont be able to search and find you, and if they do get to your website, 30% of them might see a blank page.

Now, that has worked for WIX's free website hosting model since free users are not really worried about how many people can actually see the website.

But for businesses this is about the worst scenario you could have. It completely defeats the reason for having a website in the first place.

WIX has been very Successful to date raising $65 million in venture capital funding and earning $60 million a year and that is a place I would certainly like to be.

But they fill a market segment that I don't want to be in. One where 3.5 million users don't need their websites, don't have much business and wont be around very long. Of course they can mitigate their massive customer attrition rates with heavy radio and TV advertising and stay strong.

But just because Disney is a great successful popular company does not mean you should use them for your website hosting.

WIX just does not offer what most businesses need.

Companies like Yahoo acquire websites like GeoCities because of their popularity. But in 2009 Yahoo closed the website with over 38 million user built websites because it was costing them money.

Now, that is considerably larger than WIX and it was shut down because in the long run, those entertainment personal pages just don't pay the bills.

Now WIX seems to have fond a formula that is working at least I have to surmise that from the $60 million a year in earnings. But if it is costing more than that to run it, it does not matter if you earn a billion.

Like the saying goes:

"I will show you how to make a million dollars. It is very simple, start with two million."

Unfortunately for WIX when I mentioned that many of my customers left to use WIX it was always for one reason, they had FREE hosting at WIX, something we do not offer.

Now, that is not really the way to make money when people are leaving something they pay $10 a month for to save money. Any real business rebuilding a website on a new host would never waste the time to save $120 a year and give up the ability to sell, live phone support ad all the programming we offer.

On the flip side, people moving from WIX wanted more than WIX offered. They wanted ecommerce and help working on their websites. They wanted pages that search engines would read.

Now, I do understand WIX does have some HTML based websites as well, but on my 3 year old browser, I can't find them because I cant view the main WIX pages. But I know there are there someplace, so I can't say all of their websites are invisible to the searches. But they are at last invisible to me or very well hidden.

I think WIX is a great success story and I have to respect the people involved. But we really are two very different companies.

They are more about popularity and flash while we are more about functionality, ecommerce and business.

Their customers want to impress people with fancy graphics, our customers what to sell people stuff.

Their customers are mostly freeloaders with personal pages while our customers will gladly pay $20 a month for a professional business website with live phone support and all the tools they need to keep their business online.

I don't think we have much customer overlap because our products and philosophies are so different. They are an entertainment company and we are a business services company.

Sure, if I wanted to get $65 million in venture capital and turn pageBuzz.com into a Godaddy or WIX.com I could. The difference is, I don't have to because we are profitable, successful and enjoy what we do.

There is no value to me in having a $100 million dollar gross with $100 million dollar liability and make the same money I make now as a net profit while doing 10 times the work.

I think for businesses considering using pageBuzz.com as a WIX Competitor they have to consider what they need from their website. If they want a fancy graphic based website that only a fraction of their market will ever see, WIX is a great option.

If they want a website that can deliver customers, advertise and run programs then pageBuzz.com is the better option.

If someone wants a free website, WIX is better.

But is someone needs support, ecommerce, and plans on the website being part of their business, there really is no comparison between WIX and pageBuzz.


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