Website Animated Title Builder

The tools at website builder are to say the least unique, you won't find them at our competitors because we created them to make building website easy and fun. The animated titlespace tool is another great way to add animation to your website just by uploading multiple images.

Most of the pageBuzz hosted websites have a space at the top of each page called the titlespace.

This is a banner usually the full width of the page which can be modified using any of the online tools such as the deluxe titlespace editor or done offline and uploaded. This allows anyone to modify existing templates with their business name, address, logo or other content that identifies their business and makes the design unique.

We have take this process even further by allowing anyone to upload up to 4 different titlespace images and have them rotate in a sequence. This gives the site a professional feel by creating animation and transitions right at the top of the page.

The images can also be assigned links that can link to pages or items. So the website that needs to show a sale item can create images or messages that link directly to the item or sale pages or promotions.

This is a commonly used tool here at pageBuzz because it is simple and elevates the design to a new level that is not seen on most other websites. The best part is, these design levels are being reached by people that have no clue how to build a website or how to edit HTML.

If you are a webmaster or developer this tool makes your life easier and you are able to implement complex designs and graphics such as this sample website The sample site integrates the animated title into the Polaroid frame so just that image changes. Imagine changing items, prices, messages such as in this sample website design

How It Works:

  • Using 4 Separate Images

  • Setting Time intervals for changes

  • Adding Links to each image

  • Editing slides

Using 4 Separate Images

The animated titlespace is not flash but rather a javascript driven slideshow at the top of the page. Just like other slideshows it uses regular jpg images and rotates them either in a random order or in a set order set by the user.

This allows some motion, some type of dynamic content as opposed to static images.

By adding text, you can display key messages and use images to invoke the right emotions when trying to entice customers to use your products or services.

The slideshow allows for 4 different images which can be uploaded in one place. Of course they should be the same size for the best results, but different sizes can be used if necessary.

Activating and Setting Time Interval

Once the images are uploaded, to turn the feature on, it is just one check box. You can turn the animated feature on and off by checking one box on the settings page. Turning the animated title off will change the page back to the original static image and bypass the 4 slides in the animation.

Next, you will need to set the time needed to wait between slides. Simple decide how many seconds you need to adequately show each slide.

Linking Slides to Pages

Of course, since each slide might feature a different product or service, we give you a way to link that slide t any page on your website. That allows messages like "Buy now" or "Click here for special price".

Editing Slides

Like all the other images on your website you have full ability to edit the image in real time using the image composite tool. This lets you add those text message and graphics to the titlespace images.

The easiest way is to upload 1 image to all 4 slides.

Then each slide can be modified using the drag and drop image composite tool and saved.

It is a very simple process with some really cool effects. You can make it look like just the text is changing or it is moving in the page.

The great thing is, it is compatible with all mobile devices and tablets as well as regular computer browsers.

It is a simple method but can really elevate the look of an average website.

Other Slideshows

Of course you can add slideshows to any part of your website using any of he slideshow builders or by adding them to the html of the page from outside coding.

But the titlespace tool is great because it segregates all the elements for that one area of the website rather than using inclusion codes or complex html.

Just upload the images and turn it on.

That is the simplicity we enjoy here at

Just One More Tool

This is just one more of the great website building tools we offer for just $20 a month. You won't find these tools at any other website host, sitebuilder or other service no matter how much you spend. You might think it is too good to be true but we have done it and it is here, the most complete sitebuilder online.

It did not happen overnight. The system took over 10 years to build, so what you see now is not what users had in 2004 and wont be what they have 3, 5 or even 10 years from now.

We continue to add cool features and new toys on a regular basis.

Try it Out

If you would like to try it out, just click on the website builder demo link on any page.

> Go to the Page Properties Page
> Scroll down to: Build an Animated Title

Once you are on that page you will see the simple tools to build an animated title. To lean more about how it works, look for the TV icon to play the HELP Video which demonstrates how to use the tool.

And as always, if you have any questions, just give us a call. We are always happy to talk to potential customers and show off what we have.


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