Take The Tour - Adding Programs to Websites

Having a website with a bunch of pages is cool and all, but what about adding programs?

pageBuzz.com has a truckload of programs that are already built into the system. To add programs to pages you only need to type in the code %%include-programname%% into the page. It is that simple.

You can add, of course the shopping carts, photogallery, automated slideshow, calendar, rental availability calendar, used car inventory management, discussion forum, web classified, webring, polls, contact forms, simple blog, posting board and much more.

Each of the programs has a configuration page with easy click to set options. For example to use the photogallery, just select the style and colors and you are up and running. Change settings at any time for a new look or fresh feel. Program interfaces such as the photo galley offer the most up to date web looks and techniques while making the management as simple as possible. Just upload groups of images right from your digital camera and people can view them on the web.

Shown below screen caps from a sample photography site showing the web view of the photo gallery and the flash style viewer which appears over and blanking out the website.

Similar options are available in the shopping carts, car dealer management galleries and other programs that display content. We keep the options very current adding in new effects as they become popular on the web. You won't have to search for the latest cools gadgets, we have them all before our competitors.




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