1) Content
Content is the number one factor in establishing your
place in the search engine. The content is defined as the
actual TEXT in your pages. That means the words that are
actually typed into the pages. That does not include
pictures or text on images.The
names on your menu bar or title space are images, so they
can not be read by the search engine. If you have a
picture of The Squiggle Bot on your page, the search
engine will not know it from any other picture. It wont
be able to tell if the pic is of the Squiggle Bot or a
Barbie Doll. To make sure the search engine will find
your page when they are searching for "Squiggle Bot"
you will need to include the words "Squiggle Bot"
in the page.
So lets add the sentence
"This Squiggle Bot is $19.95." to our page. Now
we have the key words in the page that we are looking to
maximize. Now anyone can find us? Wrong! Keep reading!