What Not To Do

Do Not - Use Meta Tags. Meta Tags were something that has gone the way of the Model-T. They are tags placed in the page to tell the search engine what the page is about. However, you can put anything in the tag. So adding "Brittney Spears & Paris Hilton" (the #1 search terms for the last year) should allow you to get placed in those searches. But the tags do not have to be relevant to the page, and with all the cheaters out there the tags were eliminated by all the searches. Having Meta tags that the search does not see as relevant to your site will get your site excluded from the search engine.

Do not repeat keywords over and over again in the page. This technique is seen as spamming and will cause your website to be excluded from the search engine.

Another popular Spam technique is to have keywords in the page the same color as the background so they are invisible to the viewer but read by the search. This will also get your site excluded from the search engine.

Do not use automated submitting services or software. The search engine will see that as an automated attempt to Spam the search and will often exclude your website or put it on a long term crawl often exceeding 6 months.

Do not submit more than 1 page to the search engine. You only need to submit the main domain. The search engine will crawl the entire website to get all the pages. If you submit multiple pages you could be risking exclusion from the search engine. They see it as an attempt to trick them into listing pages as unique websites.

It’s very easy to be excluded and very hard to be included, so keep the site honest, avoid the tips and trick you read about online. Just because you have read it, does not mean it’s true and could have been posted to intentionally get you banned to cut competition.

To make matters worse, google.com provides 80% of the search results online. They provide services for AOL, MSN, AltaVista and several others. If you are excluded by google, you are for the most part finished and will have to build a new website if you want search engine traffic.


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