Search Results Comparison for our Sample Website
Let us now take a look at the search engines and see how our sample website places.

[ Click to Search Google ]

NOTICE: Since we just opened the website September of 2004 and we know that it will take up to 3 months to be indexed you won’t be able to view our example until early 2005. The info we provided is good, but the nature of the internet is slow and internet businesses are built on patience.

Special Notes:

Remember, search engines are their own business and you have no voice with them. The do things that help them make money. They are not there to serve you, nor do they have to list your website. You are at their mercy and have to play by their rules. There is no guarantee you will ever get one hit from a search engine. But if you follow our tips you can see some traffic in time.

But first do the math. 250 million searches daily. 150 million of those are for "Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton or some other Sex or Porn website content". That leaves 100 million searches to be divided between 4 billion pages. If everyone gets a fair share and that is truly the goal of the search engine that would be one page hit every 40 days.

That is certainly not enough traffic to build a business. By tweaking your pages you can increase that number and take traffic away from other pages. But even good pages will not get huge volumes of traffic without outside advertising.

Websites such as and get traffic from existing customers and their extensive advertising campaigns. The amount of search traffic they get is negligible, but they are successful businesses in spite of the lack of search placement. They opt to keep the sites more commercial than concentrating on their placement and search ranking.

Other sites such as were built on search engine traffic; however the competition for traffic was much lower 6 years ago. You could build page, submit the page and see traffic in 2-3 days. But those days are over and if you missed the early days of internet traffic, there is no going back. Companies got big fast, but those big opportunities are not available today.


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