10) Age
The age of your website is also an important feature. New websites are not seen as being highly relevant. Having a website more than 1 year seems to be the magic number. Since most sites are registered for 1 year and non successful sites go unpaid and cancel. But sites that have some value or have some success go beyond that one year range and search rankings seem to improve for those websites beyond that 1 year mark. So keeping the site open and active for 1 full year will also be important to build your search ranking.

Most new websites are not even indexed for 3 months. That is because when you register a domain, it takes time to build the website. At some point they decided 3 months was a good time to see if the site had any value. If your site is not open when the search engine comes to crawl it you could be waiting another 6 months before it will check again.

You can not control the age of your website, but keeping it open for as long as possible will contribute to the search ranking. If the site is taken offline the search rank will decrease. You will often see ads for "Domain Parking", this is one method of keeping you site alive online. However, it does more for the company parking it than you. We do not recommend parking your domain, unless you get it free or get paid for traffic it generates for the parking lot.

Search engines are also concerned with their results. If you are on a 3 month crawl and the site closes, the search engine does not want to send people to a page that is not there. So they tend to stick with older established sites to insure their results are high quality.


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