Is pageBuzz Professional

We have taken some heat over the years from self proclaimed professional websites that say we are not professional.

Now, when you have a multi million dollar back end, a decade of proprietary programming, registered trademarks and copyrights and an IP portfolio a mile deep as well as having paid millions of dollars in affiliate commissions, you might think it is hard to say we are not professional. Yet, these angry webmasters still do.

On one level it is upsetting to have people not like us, on the other hand, we understand why.

We have created a multi million dollar system and we sell it for $20 a month.

How can anyone compete with that?

They just can't. They can't write a back end CMS for any one customer and spend 10 years and tens of thousands of hours writing code, adding graphics and creating help pages and videos.

So they do what comes naturally, tell everyone our system is not professional.

If you are not as pretty as the model next door, you can become her friend or just sit back and be jealous and talk about how she is stupid and too skinny, too tall or whatever.

The fact is nobody likes to be outdone, nobody likes competition.

So we have to battle daily with these webmasters cutting us down and trying to convince people that our product is somehow less than professional.

That somehow going to a discount host like hostgator,, Bluehost or others is somehow better for you even though they don't have any of the tools we offer.

That somehow a plan website with nothing, no way to manage it and no way to add more features is better than the features that we offer as part of our standard package.

They tell customers that somehow not having 7 day phone support is better. That being on a host that does not even monitor their website uptime is better.

But wait, you can pay them for support and but website monitoring from another company all for a few dollars more.

Are the going to give you unlimited support for $20 a month? Server monitoring, high availability websites or a dedicated secure server to process credit cards?

Are they going to help you add pages, build pages and manage programs for $20 a month?

They are not going to do that because that would mean they are working for nothing and this is about them making money, your money.

They don't understand how we can make money at $20 per customer per month including the hosting.

So lets see how we do that:

  • We manage our own servers

  • We own our own data center

  • We own our own software

  • We have a huge customer base

  • We have lots of money to spend

  • We are successful

Unlike the webmasters that call us unprofessional we don't have to use outside services to host our websites, so we make money on the hosting component of our business.

Unlike the webmasters we run our own datacenter, so we can manage our costs and pass on those saving to our customers.

Unlike the webmasters that have to use other peoples software often paying licenses or paying for programming changes, while we write and own all of our own code so we don't have the added overhead.

Unlike the webmasters that build 20 websites a year we build that in a week, so we can charge less and offer more.

We also have more experience, because we built and mange more sites in one year then they will every work on for anyone in their lifetime.

It really is not that complicated.

If you go and pay a mechanic to work on your car you might pay $1,000 or $2,000 for a days work. But the guy that built the car only gets $200 for a days work. And it only takes 2.5 hours to assemble a complete new car. That is right, 2.5 man hours to assemble an entire car while the mechanic just charged you for 2.5 hours to change your spark plugs.

If the mechanic built the car it would take 1 or 2 years and cost upwards of $200,000.00. That is a real number because there are people that do build cars for a living and charging $100,000 building a customized car is no big deal, so building one from scratch is even more expensive.

But you can go to Ford, GM or Chrysler and buy that car for one tenth of that or just $20,000.

It is always cheaper to buy from a manufacturer than an individual.

The same is true of websites.

It is cheaper to use what a large company has built than by hiring a webmaster to build everything from scratch. And in most cases, ours will offer much much more than anyone could ever build even at a million dollars.

Now mechanics don't get mad at Ford when they can sell a new car cheaper than the mechanic can fix an old one. But webmasters do get mad when we can provide a better website for less.

It is just them trying to survive.

Unfortunately they have put themselves on the FTC watch list as being one of the top 10 worst industries for scams, fraud and over charging. Image that? The webmasters that call us unprofessional are in an unscrupulous industry and the US Government is warning everyone that they could be ripping you off.

As business owners it is up to you to decide what is better and what is professional. And based on the number of customers we have compared to each one of those independent webmasters, people are choosing us.

It really is that simple.

Webmasters just can't compete, they don't want you to know that you can build a website without them, and they don't want anyone to think that what they do is easy. But it is easy.

At one time people could not drive their own cars. That is true, you needed a driver to drive a car. It was difficult to start, expensive and needed constant maintenance.

But as time went on, people starting leaning to drive themselves and look at us now!

Well, it was only a matter of time before webmasters became obsolete.

It has happened to everyone and now it is happening to them.

So they can go on strike, protest and blame the president for exporting jobs or tell people that our product sucks. But in the end, we are winning and they are struggling to survive.

One funny thing I always get is when people ask what I do. I say, "I own a website company", and then they as "What is my regular job?".

People are getting used to everyone being a webmasters.

My insurance agent is a webmaster, my car salesman is a webmaster and my friends are webmasters but the all need jobs to pay the bills. So how good are they at being webmasters?

Now you tell me, who is the professional?


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Web Hosting
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