Who Can You Trust?

You will read countless articles online each disputing the other and no real symmetry between statements.

  • So who is right and who is wrong?

  • Who do you trust?

  • Who do you believe?

The first thing you need to realize is that anyone can write a web page. There are no requirements and no regulations.

Unlike magazine articles, there are no editors or staff reviewing content and checking facts. So most of the info you find will be speculative at best.

Not many articles have any real research and if they do, its based on other articles with no real research.

As a bonus, almost all articles are self serving. The guy trying to sell his book on how to make money on ebay, has articles telling you that you can make millions selling online.

So then why is he selling his book rather than making those millions?

Or the website hosting company telling you that you can make millions with a website for $2 a month.

The truth is, you can not believe any of us.

You should not accept what anyone tells you if they are selling you a product or have something to gain by giving you the information.

But some of us do have years of experience and are willing to share what we know. Our knowledge is based on learned experiences and after earning millions of dollars online (for real).

You can take what we say at pageBuzz.com for what you want. But our success speaks for itself.

We have managed over 1000 of our own websites and make all of our income online. Not by selling people a dream, but by running our own websites.

Websites such as buzztrader.com and craftersbuzz.com earn generous incomes through advertising and we generate millions of daily page views.

We have made a living online since 1997 and continue to grow in a very volatile industry that is changing from one day to the next.

To stay alive online from the early years to today is a major feat in itself.

Most companies that started when we did are gone now and companies like google and paypal were not even in existence yet.

You do not have to trust what we post on this website, but we can promise it comes from years of trial and error and making mistakes that you can avoid by listening to what we say.

It is always prudent to get more than one opinion. But most people stop when they hear what they like.

As soon as the first article tells them they can make a million dollars overnight, they are hooked and take it as fact.

Our website wont paint a picture of fantasy for you. And most people do not what to hear that making money is hard work. But it is, or you would have pockets full of it already.

You should trust the article that make sense and not the ones that tell you money grows on trees.

Articles on pageBuzz.com

Our articles are most certainly self serving, we write about website hosting and how we are better. But we also tell you where our weaknesses are and what you might not get out of our product.

We are open and honest about our small size and people like that.

We have learned that being small is a strength and being honest is a real business builder.

That is not to say we are always right.

I have my perspective on SEO and all he other webmasters have theirs. But I have made many millions online working with my own sites and learning what I know the hard way.

Other webmasters read the articles written by other self proclaimed experts and then they are instantly experts.

I think to be a real expert on anything you have to show you can do it. Something like a gold medal or a million dollar bank account.

Would you take advise from a high school kid writing about SEO?

If so you are a fool!

But when you read an article or a blog, how do you know anything about the person that wrote it?

As for pageBuzz Articles

At least here at pageBuzz, you can see what we built, view our website and the tens of thousands of users we have.

That should mean something and if not, I can't really help you.

If you want to read information aimlessly online until someone tells you what you want to hear, then you will get what you deserve.

On the other hand if you compare credible resources from reliable sites and authors you might get a strong consensus to form your own conclusion.

I would never recommend anyone reading just one article and saying, sure, that is the fact!

With billions of pages online there are billions of opinions and there is always more than one right answer.

Find the best answers and then make the call.

If the information is important to you, get opinions from more than one source.



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