Outside The Web Box

Web 2.0. 3.0 or 4.0, none of it matters if the website sucks.

I keep seeing people that want to clone this, clone that and blend in like traditional conformists. But it is the out of the box thinkers that make all the money.

So why is everyone so anxious to be a copycat?

We live in a cyber world where when one big idea hits the front page of any newspaper, a few weeks later there are 10,000 copies of the website online.

We have reached a saturation point online. Everyone has a website and wants traffic and sales. But with 25 billion pages indexed in google and 300 million US citizens and only a percentage of those being online there are over 100 web pages for every man woman and child in the US.

We have become lost in a sea of web pages with everyone seeking the next piece of Internet wealth.

What people are missing is what separates those big sites from the average simple page.


Sites like youtube offer a new technology. A way to share video on a mass scale. They also foot hosting bills over a million dollars a month and I am sure the servers running the application were not purchased at walmart.

It's big money and big technology that other people have not though of.

You will never get rich chasing other peoples ideas. You need your own.

Unique ideas pave the road to wealth. New concepts, filling a void with a product.

Take for example, Starbucks. They created a market that was not there. The coffee market was limited to 7-11 dried out pots of day old coffee and powered creamer. Yea, it sounds disgusting now, but 10 years ago, that is what people drank.

Starbucks has made good coffee accessible and they charge dearly for it and the profits are astounding.

And, like always in every industry, in the shadow of greatness, thousands of competitors pop up across the country trying to capitalize on the market that is newly created.

The same thing happens daily online. Everyone trying to reinvent the wheel by changing the color or size.

It's not a sound business idea to jump into someone else's game. Not when the reach of that company is a 100% penetration of the market.

Companies that have stores serving coffee have geographic limits. But website have no borders or transportation issues. So trying to compete with a virtual cup of coffee is almost impossible. And when 10,000 other people are doing the same thing, its just a case of too many companies competing for too few customers.

If you plan to make a serious income online. Look for a new idea. A new way to offer an old product or just a new line of thinking.

There are billions of dollars online and there is more than enough for anyone to make a massive income. But you are going to have to stop thinking like a copycat and more original than the average person.



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