Is pageBuzz Similar to what the Professional Webmasters Use to Build Websites?

pageBuzz is what professionals use!

I have been in this business from the beginning of time, at least for the Internet, and there is no one professional that uses the same tools as another professional.

Every professional uses the tools that work for them in the instance that they need them.

In fact all of these big design firms and so called website hosting companies call us when our application fits what they need. Our biggest request is the Used Car Dealer Website Builder, because we have in fact created something that nobody else offers.

With very few free or low cost programs in the automotive market we have one of the best tools that anyone can offer a car dealer and with the cost being so low, webmasters and web hosts can resell the hosting at a much higher price.

If a website designer needs a particular feature in our shopping cart, they come to us, if they need a simple way for the end user to manage their pages, they come to us.

Yes, we are in a back and forth battle with webmasters trying to get them to accept our tools and methods. But they always want to use anonymous systems so they can mark up prices and not give the website owner any ability to manage their own pages.

The truth is, calling a webmaster and telling them what to do over the phone while they make a few clicks and charge $100 an hour is just growing old as well as being very inefficient in this technology driven world.

But lets talk about how our system works in comparison to Open FTP based shared website hosting with unlimited plans from companies like Bluehost, Hostgator iPage or Justhost.

As a web developer myself the system was built on the same principles that are used in advanced website development but we have addressed site design issues rather than tech issues like FTP, CSS, Javascript, CGI, Flash and so on and on.

In traditional website design, webmasters build websites on their own computer and upload the sites via FTP programs as binary and text files and that all makes up your website. They also usually have a CGI-Bin where they can install programs if they know how to write them or can find some that are already written and just need to be installed.

With sitebuilders, you can also build the website on your computer and upload it using the web interface or HTTP rather then FTP which for the average user means nothing except the name. One used software that is installed in your computer, the other uses your web browser just like ebay, amazon, facebook and all the other sites use to transfer images, files etc.

But you also have the ability to build and modify files right online so no software or prior knowledge is needed.

To accomplish this, files need to be formatted in a particular manner, organized in particular directories and contain tags that allow for replacements and construction of the pages by programs.

That is exactly the same as open hosting except that, webmasters have to follow a specific order rather than just doing what they want and dumping files in any old directory they choose. This makes the webmasters job a little more complicated since the have to follow rules set set by someone else.

If you ever work with webmasters or programmers they will always charge you more when they have to work with something someone else built. It takes them longer and they hate it. They kick and scream and yell and tell you that it would be easier to start from scratch.

Yes, easier for them because they have to learn what the other person did first. But that is their job, to work on existing sites, be able to work on websites on different hosts, so some will do it without crying. But most will have temper tantrums like 3rd graders.

On the other hand, it makes the website owners job easy, because they can add pages, change the menu, add photos and update the pages that were built by the professional webmasters.

Now, webmasters don't like this model at all simply because it is more work for them and when they are done, people think it is all easy. The want you to need them, they need you to need them and they will do everything possible so you believe you need them.

So lets look at the website structure on open hosting compared to pageBuzz.

  • Adding Pages

  • Editing Pages

  • Adding Programs

  • Modifying Programs

  • Adding Javascript Files

  • Adding MultiMedia

  • Adding CSS Files

Adding Pages

The process of adding pages is pretty much the same, you name a file, save it and edit it. It really makes no difference if you use the online editor or just upload the pages using HTTP. The difference is only in the paths and links. All of our pages reside in the root directory because the search engines count those files with higher precedence over files in subdirectories. So we created the most SEO friendly model and maybe not the most webmaster friendly model.

Webmasters like to organize content into sub folders and spread files around in a way that makes sense to them. Unfortunately, what makes sense to one webmaster does not make sense to another and neither of them make sense to computer controlled robots used by the search engines.

So throwing everything into one directory would not be their first choice, but it odes not really change anything, the process is the same, except with pageBuzz you can do it online instead of using software on your computer.

Editing Pages

Editing pages is almost exactly the same expect that we only edit the content in the page where as the webmasters are used to editing the entire page in a static enviornment.

Big sites always use dynamic enviornments with templates so that webmasters can edit menus and design features from one location and update 10,000 pages at one time. If they had to use traditional editing and edit 10,000 pages to adjust one button that would be a mess.

So unless your webmaster has never worked on a real website they should be familiar with the process.

This makes the page editing much simpler because there is less to edit.

The only difference between editing pages using Dreamwever or Front Page and using the online editors on pageBuzz is that the pageBuzz editors are much easier to use.

You open a page, make changes and save.

Using outside tools requires more time, complicated paths and the uploading of all external files. So what takes just a few seconds online takes 20 minutes using the offline method.

Adding Programs

If you need a shopping cart, a calendar or even a guestbook, the webmaster will install the program in a folder that is authorized to run programs. They have to configure paths, set the programs to know where the files are, and configure the settings.

In pageBuzz, the programs are already in place for you to use.

The end result is the same, but you just skipped all of that set up stuff. The files are already in the server, ready to run and preconfigured to the default settings.

So the only real difference is the huge amount of time that you save.

Modifying Programs

This is still another place that we have just made it easier.

Webmasters would have to go into the code of a program to make changes, actually write programming code to get the program to do what they need or modify the look of the programs.

At pageBuzz we have a simple setting page for each program. The settings page lets you click options, change image display sizes, colors and the overall appearance of the program. Good webmasters even have the ability to create templates that can be populated by the program data so any look is possible.

Once again, webmasters hate this, because then you can still go back in and modify the colors, change the layout and mess up what they did. So they just avoid anything that makes life easy.

Rather than having to modify code, we have extensive configuration files that check the settings and make the changes dynamically allowing unlimited different looks and styles just by selecting different options.

In most cases, this type of programming is just not available. Most applications are custom built, so there is no user interface to make changes. The programs are hard coded, meaning they can't be changed dynamicly.

That is the difference between using a multi million dollar software system and a basic program that a webmaster modified for a couple thousand dollars. Our programs just do more, they do it faster and they do it better.

Adding Javascript Files

If you want drop down menus, slideshows and moving elements on the page this is usually done using Javascript which is a programming language that runs on your browser. It is called client side scripting rather than server side and has a string place in websites.

Again, these are just text files that need to be uploaded and we give webmasters several choices for directors to add such files. Maybe not the exact name they would use and that menus they might have to change paths in the programs themselves. If they don't know how to do that, then they can learn or scream and yell like children that it can't be done on pageBuzz.

In many cases, we have already installed the files in a scripts directory so they don't even have to think about it.

For the non webmaster, you can use tools like the drag and drop slideshow builder and create slideshows and add them to pages never understanding what javascript is.

Shopping carts ad programs have the files already in place, so when you add an effect like an image zoom, you don't have to upload files, just check the box to use that option.

Adding MultiMedia

Adding multiMedia like video, PDF files, DOC files and PowerPoint files and so on is the same. We have a dedicated directory where those files can be managed through a web interface. Upload, delete or view the files and then just add links to any page.

We have also made it simple to add youtube videos to any page by incorporating a video inserting tool to all of the editors. Videos can be added or repositioned in each page using drag and drop of old school html methods.

Adding CSS Files

Again, the same. Upload some files into the MultiMedia Directory, the Files Directory or embed them in the page. Nothing ground breaking here other than being able to manage file paths.

In other words, if they use a directory called "CSS" on open hosting, they simply need to make the adjustments so the file reside in folder called "files" rather than "CSS".

Access is the same, expect they use the HTTP upload instead of an FTP upload.

Overall Comparison

Overall the methods are the same, the structure is the same and the process is the same.

The difference is, pageBuzz offers a little less flexibility with programs but faster and more efficient website construction.

The editors are much more simplified but offer faster more efficient website building and updating.

Webmasters are not limited to online editors, so the process can still be the same for them expect for the process of uploading and the exception of using preset file paths.

Business Owner vs Webmaster

If you compare what the average business owner is doing on our system it is exactly the same as what a webmaster is charging $10,000 to do. The only difference is the tools that you use.

The end result is the same.

Webmasters will tell you theirs is better, but when you compare functionality of the pageBuzz programs with other, that is just not even close to being true.

Using better tools makes building websites faster, more efficient and more profitable.

Nobody is still driving a horse and carriage to work each day. It is just too much trouble to care for, manage and deal with compared to driving a car.

There is nothing new about technology making it easier for everyone to do something that was once complicated and time consuming.

The horse and the car both get you to the same place. the car is faster, can go further and is more reliable and quite frankly, smells better.

pageBuzz is just the next evolutionary step in allowing business owners to manage their websites.

The process is the same, the result is the same. But it is easier, faster on pageBuzz and it will take you further for less money and less work.

Otherwise it is essentially the exact same thing.



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