Just Keep It Simple!
We have notoriously
been blamed for having a simple system, too simple say the
webmasters and that does not work for modern websites. Webmasters
need this and that and over the top everything to have a good
website that people will use.
And our focus has
always been simple, easy to navigate, fast to load and compatible
with all browsers on all devices. Something the business owner
can manage and something the users can understand without
downloading plugins or installing the newest browser.
And I have written
extensively about how these "Professional" webmasters
are more focused on design and not so much about the content or
the effect of the website on an individual business.
But with the release
of the new HealthCare.gov website it points out a whole new light.
A whole new perspective on what webmasters do wrong and why too
many and too much will destroy a website and in some cases the
business it represents.
For all my
complaining and trying to explain to our customers why they
should keep it simple I think the heathcare.gov website says it
better than anyone else.
For one, it just does
not work. After a full week, nobody could even find one person of
the said millions of users that actually was able to sign up for
a health care plan. Millions of users, nothing working.
So lets look at why
and what the webmasters did this time to screw it up.
It appears that the
submission page used over 2000 lines of html code, 56 javascript
files and 11 CSS files.
The result was
crushing. Not only was it too much for the servers to handle, the
compatibility issue was awful. With the site only working on new
browsers, alienating mobile users and anyone with older computers.
Now, lets think for
one minute. People that can't afford health insurance yet, do
that have brand new computers? New browsers?
Do the elderly or
poor without health care now know how to download the latest
browser? Or are they using an old computer their grand children
or friend gave them a few years ago?
OH, the site is so
cool and so modern, sure. But wouldn't it be better if it just
was simple and it worked?
Think about the
millions of people that tried to sign up. Were they impressed?
I don't think so.
But lets get back to
the 56 javascript files and 11 css files they are delivering.
Guess what, it was too many files for the servers to manage and
crashed all of them. They had to shut down and make changes and
try to add more servers to handle the load they created.
The website could
have been built without any of them. The files only relate to
user experience and the design of the website. The website could
have been completely functional without the overhead of all those
sloppy design elements.
Did all that extra
overhead make the user experience any better?
Of course I asked
that question as a joke.
So aren't these
webmasters supposed to understand what the server limits are?
After all, they got
paid $693 Million dollars to build this website. That is a lot
more than the $20 we charge here at pageBuzz.com, so shouldn't
they know what they are doing?
You would think so,
but that was clearly not the case.
3 years and nearly
700 million dollars later they have a pile of crap that just does
not work.
Can they fix it?
Maybe in another 3 years and another 700 million, maybe another
billion, who knows?
Now, if you think
that a professional webmasters know more than you, then you are
Because even though
they know how to build websites they are clueless about your
market, about what it means to you for your customers to be able
to use your website. How important that the website is to you and
how hard you worked for the money you are paying them.
Nobody knows your
business like you do. Webmasters are after the glory, the
sensationalism of having the best looking design with the latest
functions and flash.
But is that what you
Or do you need
something simple, the right tool for the right job.
Do you want a
Hollywood style blockbuster movie trailer on your front page that
only works on the google android browser? Or do you want a simple
slideshow that everyone can see even if their computer is 10
years old.
I don't have any
stats, but I think it would be interesting to see how many people
still have computers that are 10 years old. I know mine is way
older than that and it still does everything the new ones do, so
why would I spend $2000 on a new one, just to see your website?
It is like webmasters
are just out of touch. They don't realize that everyone did not
buy an ipad the day they came out. That people drive cars that
are 10 years old because new ones are too expensive and that not
everyone is downloading the newest software, browsers and
technology every day.
Most people are still
trying to grasp email and what a website even is at all.
So creating all of
these amazing designs, sure that is cool. But as a business
website requires more restraint, more reserve, slow down a bit
and let people catch up.
Nobody wants to be a
heathcare.gov. Nobody wants their site not to work. Nobody wants
to spend $700 million on a fancy new website and find out later
that there is no engine under the hood.
Now I have been told
over and over our designs are too simple by webmasters, I always
tell them, if you build it on pageBuzz it can be what every you
build. Don't blame us for keeping our own designs simple, you can
do whatever you want.
If you want to go
over the top, building on pageBuzz wont hold you back.
But like most of them,
they are looking for buttons to push to get high end designs
without doing much work and we just wont give that to them.
Because we have never been accused of having websites that don't
work. And we are not going to start today.
For us, we would
rather have simple designs that work than fancy designs that don't.
Don't be a heathcare.gov,
keep your design simple and manageable.
Enjoy the business
your website brings you and don't get into a cycle of paying
webmasters to fix the problems they created in the first place.
Simple is always