How important are website Stats?

On November 23 2013, Godaddy is removing the free website stats from their hosting plans.

This is the most surprising information and development with one of our biggest competitors. Since knowing where your website traffic is coming from is about the most important feature of a website, we are amazed that Godaddy had announced that they are discontinuing the stats for their hosting customers.

It is how we know what keywords are being searched for, how we know what ads are working and how many people are coming to our websites. We need to know which pages are popular and which are not.

Website statistics are at the core of the entire website. Without that information it is impossible to manage a website.

I can't even imagine why Godaddy would remove one of the core features for their website hosting customers.

I also want to point out they are calling if "FREE" probably to justify removing it. It is not free, it is part of what people are paying for with their monthly hosting. You can't charge for a service and then call each component of the service FREE. If that is the case, why is anyone paying for a bunch of free services?

Then again as a competitor, I do understand the decision.

They have tried to compete with all the cut rate hosting services offering unlimited plans for pennies a month and that means overloaded servers and websites that are constantly unavailable.

To solve the problem I believe they are trimming the fat. Trimming programs that are server CPU heavy and Hard drive heavy.

Statistic programs are one of the biggest resource hogs, logging every page access, every image access and costing as much CPU time as the actual page accesses themselves. With more people building pages with more and more files as broadband allows for even more, data servers and hard drives are getting pounded with reads and writes. With cheap servers that means more downtime, drive failures and maintenance costs.

When you are trying to give customers unlimited everything for under $10 it can cost more to provide the service than you charge, so corners need to be cut. Just like in all cases, you get what you pay for.

But wait, there is a reason we log those things. And that is because they are important.

If you can't tell how many people came to your website or why they came to your website then how do you manage your content? How do you tweak the SEO when you have no data available.

Their solution is to use other companies like Google Analytics for the service. We have already told you why using google for stats is a bad idea. And here is a company that knows better than anyone, telling you to do just that.

What is their next step, tell you to use google for website hosting?

Maybe instead of using their website tonight CMS you should use pageBuzz and then transfer the pages over to Godaddy?

Or maybe just use for you website and send Godaddy a few dollars for allowing them to suggest it.

None of it makes much sense.

I am shocked to see a company the size of Godaddy stop providing such a vital service as part of each website.

I have never heard of anyone referring their own customers to outside vendors to get services that should be provided with website hosting. I might believe smaller services doing this because they can't offer the vast resources that Godaddy can, but never from one if not the top website hosting provider in the world.

At pageBuzz we have added to out website stats, we have increased their ability and have added graphs, and more importantly we have added search engine placement.

The stats and pageBuzz will actually show what keywords people are searching for and what page of the search engines you are appearing for which keyword searches.

We have daily reports, monthly reports and even a 6 month report so users can watch trends and manage traffic levels.

Why website stats can't be ignored:

  • Indicates Traffic Levels

  • Helps Track Advertising Success / Failures

  • Shows Product Popularity

  • Finding Most Viewed Pages

  • Helps Understand Customer Acquisition Costs

Indicates Traffic Levels

The most important part about website stats is they show us traffic levels. How many people are coming to the website, 100 or 1,000,000. How do you know without website tracking?

The issue is not only your need to know, it is important to know so that you can manage resources. If you have 1,000,000 visitors every day, you may need more capacity. You can't plan for growth, manage traffic if you don't know how much traffic you have.

How do you know if the website is even working? You build a website, then have no indicator on how many people actually are getting to it. That sounds like a very bad plan.

Helps Track Advertising Success / Failures

If you don't have website stats and you run an advertising campaign to get people to your website how do you know if it worked? You don't know how many people even showed up.

You need stats to compare visitors with sales. Compare how may people used the checkout and never purchased.

I can't even imagine anyone that would not have their eyes glued to the stats when they are spending money on ads.

Even if you place free ads on craigslist or other sites, you need to know if anyone clicked on them.

Website referrals show where people came from, what other websites are linking to you and what people are saying about you. Are the referring sites saying you suck, or this place is great? Without knowing the pages that refer visitors to your website, you just don't know.

Shows Product Popularity

If you have sales, you know which products are selling. But what about knowing if products are just not being found?

Just because you only sell some core products does not mean you can't sell other products but maybe nobody is finding them.

If you have website stats then you can see if people are finding your products in the search engine and not buying them maybe you need to get rid of that line, change the price or make changes to how you present it.

If the products are not even being seen, then you can make them more visible, move location or feature them on more popular pages.

Finding The Most Viewed Pages

It is important to know which pages are the most viewed. This gives you the ability to feature products, run ads or specials on those pages.

If you assume that the home page is the most viewed you are probably wrong. Locating the pages with the most traffic are vital to getting the right content in front of visitors.

If you sell products and people are only finding your website for a blog post you wrote about taking your kids to a local fair then you want to make sure you take advantage of that and add content that promotes your main business.

If you don't know who or when people come to your website, you just can't do any of that.

Helps Understand Customer Acquisition Costs

When it comes to advertising, you need to know, what it costs to get people to your website and what percentage of those become customers.

Does it cost you $1, $10 or $100. If you advertise and spent $100 and get 10 sales, that is great. But did 1000 people visit the website and only 10 purchased or did 10 people visit the website and 10 purchased.

The answers are very different, one is 0.01:1 conversion ratio the other is 1:1 conversion ratio.

In order to manage any type of ad campaign and determine if it was cost effective you need data.

  • If you had 1000 visitors some may come back later and buy.

  • If you have 10 visitors, you tapped out the use of the traffic.

You just can't run a business with a blindfold on.

Business owners more than anyone else need to monitor their business and there is just no way to do that without website stats.

I am not sure why Godaddy decided that the customers can live without it, but I know our customers cannot and will never have to worry about that.

We will continue to provide services like stats and continue to add new features, programs and tools to our hosting platform wile companies like Godaddy have taken away the free email and now website stats in just a few months.

To us, that seems like they are going backwards.

I do understand phasing out things that are not popular or productive. We have phased out programs like our online auction, web ring, polling programs and other tools that were not being used. That is just part of doing business.

But we remove features that are not being used and allow anyone using them to continue. We would never just eliminate something so critical for every user on the entire system.

Don't Worry Godaddy Customers they have a Solution

Godaddy is telling their customers to used 3 party solutions for their website stats. Unfortunately, doing that is not effective, does not give the data that the website can and will be very limited in scope.

The can't reference page urls with inventory and show which products have traffic, just pages. They don't have access to the server logs, only the data derived from a single access per page. So they can never offer what the actual website can offer.

Plus, you have to add the code between the <head> and </head> tags of each page on your website according to the Godaddy help page.

If you have a template that is not too bad, if you have 200 pages, have fun editing. Also, 90% of the users have no clue how to edit html using a text editor.

What happened to all the commercials that say, just click here and POW! A Website Tonight! What happened to how simple it is, anyone can do it? Now people need to learn complex coding to see how many visitors they have on their website?

It seems this time Godaddy has made a big mistake and it will cost their customers dearly. I am sure they have good reasons for doing this and I am sure they have though about it long an hard. I hope they are right because we like them and use them for services like domain registrations on a regular basis.

But from here, it does not look like the right decision and I think many people will leave when the realize they can't track visitors on their websites.



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