Everyone Is An Expert on Internet Advice

Everyone Is An Expert

One of the great things about the Internet is that everyone is an expert starting a website and offering their point of view on a topic.

The worst thing about the Internet is that, everyone is an expert, regardless of what they know, they blog and offer advice on something that they are not actually qualified to comment on.

It is wonderful that so many people can interact and offer advice. The trouble is that there is no fact checking, there is no verification and people assume that if they are reading it, that it is correct.

It becomes exhaustive to read page after page with each idea conflicting with the last.

In the stock market, rumors can kill a business. In the Internet, rumors can gather a cult following of thousands of people.

It is great to get advice from peoples web pages and even with qualified experts ideas will vary from one person to another. But when we are speaking about programming facts, website structures, SEO and how to build a web page there are actual facts.

One major problem with the blogosphere is SEO. Everyone has ideas they present as facts, but none of the facts are true.

Searches are KEYWORD searches. You web page will never come up in a search for words that are not actually on the page. You can do anything you want, link backs, SEO this SEO that, but when it comes down to the actual search you just plain need to include the text in the page.

There are some expectations but none that any of us will be able to achieve with our limited resources. Yet every one will tell you when, how and with what you need to build your website.

I really think it should come down to who has been successful. Just because Joe Smith built a web page for walmart using Dreamweaver and using his SEO methods, it does not mean that is the reason that the site is successful. We have to take into account the sheer volume of walmart shoppers and understand that the webmaster could hack out some crap pages and still have millions of people shopping on the website.

It does not mean that Joe is not an expert, it just means that there is much more that goes into the success of a walmart website that just the few hours of work that the webmaster put in.

You will never be able to build a website that builds itself into a huge business no matter how hard you work on the pages. You still need marketing and sales to get people to the website.

Even a company the size of walmart still uses affiliate programs to get thousands of independent webmasters to send them traffic. That is because they do not have the ability to get the volume they need alone.

I would look to the independent webmaster that generates a million dollars a year in sales volume as the expert. Without the walmart brand, without deep pockets that webmaster has been successful.

If you find those people offering advice, then listen. If you find a 15 year old blogger that does not even own their own $20 website then it would be foolish to assume they are an expert. They will most certainly wow you with their knowledge of the Internet and web pages, but do they have the ability to generate million of dollars? If they could, they certainly would not be bloging and sharing their secrets with everyone.

As one of the million dollar earners, I like to sit back and let people think they know how to compete with me. That way, I don't really have competition at all.

Most of the big earners don't have time to spend hours online giving free advice. Most of the advice online is offered by people that are not experts, don't have any educational background or business experience. You should be careful about what you read and how you use the information. Following ideas from the wrong source could cost you buckets of money in your quest to make money.

I will say there are plenty of ideas out there. There are great people offering great advice. But you need to sort through it to figure out what will work for you and what wont.


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