Deluxe Website Tools

As we started building tools to make websites we started with simple fill in the blanks, choose colors from menus and it was all a bit unfriendly.

But as web browsers became more usable and offered more in the line of running Javascript we started upgrading the old style interfaces with NEW Deluxe Tools.

The term DELUXE was just an easy way to point out that these tools were better than the old tools and when we created a new generation of the Deluxe tools we named them "Super Deluxe".

The idea was simply to let users know, newer interfaces existed and they could use those instead of the old ones.

One of the first tools we created was the "Deluxe Layout Builder" which allowed a real time preview of the actual page layout that the user was creating.

Before that, we had thumbnails and a bunch of color boxes. The new method allowed users to actually see what they were doing and gave more flexibility in the design. Instead of us creating 20 options, users can now create the layout they want, the colors, borders and menu location.

That all all really cool and really help elevate the designs away from the old templates.

But just like everything else, users said, hey, I would like to have the menu in 2 places. I would like to add a background image to a section. I would like to add the shopping menu at the top and the page menu on the side and so on and on....

Well, as you might imagine as we developed the Deluxe Website Layout Builder we had not thought of all those things.

We also had to consider that that becomes just too complicated for most people to understand and we still offer the option of creating layouts on outside platforms and installing them. So all of those things were possible, just not with the fast and easy tools we had online.

But the medium level users were never going to write html or css and create a layout like a professional webmaster. They had no concept of creating code using notepad and pasting it on the website. They needed a tool as easy as the deluxe layout builder but with more features.

In fear of making the tool too complicated for the average user we decided to add a totally new "Super Deluxe Layout Builder".

The Super deluxe tool was added along with the Deluxe version as 2 separate tools so users would have a simple basic tool and a more advanced tool that offered more features buy also requires more understanding of the page.

The new tool has more features including:

  • More Sections or Boxes

  • Border Tools for Placement, colors and Style

  • Multiple Menu Options and Placement

  • Page & Menu Widths

  • Background Images

More Sections of Boxes

The new layout builder allows for more areas of the page. The old editor allowed for 1 menu, a titlespace and the footer area.

The newer more complex tool allows for and absolute top and bottom, a top and bottom menu area, a right and left menu area, a copyright area and the main content area.

So rather than organizing content in just 3 sections now you can have a total of 8 sections with different colors.

Border Tools for Placement, colors and Style

As you add more sections you need some separation so we added the borders for each section.

You can select top, bottom, right and left borders, set the size color and style. So if you want a dashed 1px border on the right side of the section you can do that. If you don't want any border, then you just don't select that option.

As you see, now getting the design tweaked to look good is going to take a lot more skill since there are now 10 times as many options.

This gives the users so much more control of the design but it challenges the ability of many users.

Multiple Menu Options and Placement

Along with more boxes you have the option of including a menu in each section. There are 2 automated menus, the main navigation menu and the shopping cart menu.

Using the Super Deluxe Layout Builder you can have either menu appear in any section.

So if you want the page menu in the very top section of the website and the shopping categories in the left side section of the website now you can do that.

Or maybe you want the shopping menu on the top and bottom and the page menu right, also very easy and possible without tweaking the html or building custom layouts.

Page & Menu Widths

We also gave the users more control of the page size and menu widths. There is a slider, which makes it easy but you can also just type in the value. So if the page needs to be 980px rather than the preset 1000px in the more basic layout builder you can.

Menus sizes can be defined so the page fits the website exactly as planned.

Of course, that means you need to know what 980px is compared to the basic tools with just "Small, Medium and Large".

Again, more control, more room for errors.

Background Images

We also added the ability to quickly upload background images to each section. This lets you avoid using colors and use more diverse images for shading and gradient effects.

Images offer a completely different look than plain colors, but require a better eye for design and wont be used by most users.

The Result of Having Both Layout Builders

The result of having different tools is that we can accommodate more users. Since every user has a different skillset, having multiple editors and layout builders makes it easier for all users to settle into their comfort level.

By integrating them both into the system they both can edit the same file. So if a user becomes overwhelmed with the tools and features of the Super Deluxe tool, they can simply use the Deluxe tool instead.

Each tool will overwrite the other so, no harm no foul if the user finds themselves in over their head.

Future Sitebuilder Development

As we develop programs in the future we realize what we think is evolution may just be complicated to someone else. We have learned that we need tools for everyone, not just the novices or advanced webmasters. Different people have different skillsets and different needs.

In 2012 we brought back the editor we used on back in 2003. It is a simple fill in the blank page editor which made no sense to keep since we had drag and drop and WYSIWYG editors in place.

But when we did, it because one of the most used editors in our system. Because it offered simple, easy to build pages with no need to understand anything at all. Just type in the boxes and save the page.

Of course we made some improvements but it is basically just like it was in 2003. People like it, they took to it and use it all the time. We were the fools for not building it into the pageBuzz system in the first place.

So as we develop programs we always have to keep in mind, that having more tools is better than having just one tool. That all users want and like something different.

So rather than trying to compete with companies that offer more simple or more complex tools, we try to offer all of them to every user and let them decide which they want to use.


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