Programming Languages
There are many discussions
about which programing language is better, what OS is the fastest
and best for websites and who is better than who.
If you don't know programming
then you wont know the difference between C, C++ or C#. You wont
know the difference between PERL, Python, PHP. ASP or Java.
The fact is, they are all good
and they can all accomplish the same tasks. From a programming
view, C is a slower language to develop in because of the
compiling requirements than PERL or PHP which are compiled as
they are used. But as an end user, you would never know what
language is serving the page unless the programmer or system
administrator has opted to use a standard extension to identify
the page type.
In a more general overview, if
you compare English to French to Japanese or Russian they all
work well to communicate and have proven that with advanced
technology and higher educational institutions. The real power of
a language is not the language itself but the person using it.
A William Shakespeare or a
Mark Twain has a different handle and ability to write than the
average person. As does an advanced programmer over a newbie
programmer or weekend warrior.
It really is the programmer
that has the ultimate control. Just like giving good directions
to get to your house. If you tell someone to come to your house
and send them miles out of their way you can't blame the cars or
the roads for the slow trip.
A programmer is in total
control of what the programs do. If the programmer does not know
how to do things in an efficient manner then the program will be
slow. It does not have anything to do with the language but the
way the program is written.
In many cases programs are
offered free on open source websites. There is no real financial
gain for doing the program more efficiently or developing the
program to advanced levels. So the programs tend to be basic and
lack in real refinement.
The programs are downloaded
thousands of times but people that don't know how to write the
program from scratch but they do modify the code to meet their
Already you should see the
problem. The user does not understand the language enough to
build the program, but they are changing it and the original
write has no incentive to make the program the best it can be.
The more the program is modified by someone other than the
original coder the more problems become visible.
There are simple mistakes like
opening files that are just too large or building hashes out of
files that have unlimited size can slow down a server to a crawl.
While a much bigger concern is security. Most of the programs
being hacked out have almost none since most of the people
modifying them don't know what security holes they might be
PHP is one of the most beaten
up languages in the forums simply because it is the most popular.
When a language is used more than any other, it will have the
most programs out there with the most security and performance
PHP was designed to be the
fastest thing available and despite its limitations it is very
fast by design. But in the hands of an inexperienced programmer
it can be an open window to hack the website or a certain way to
crash the server by overloading it.
In many cases programs are
represented as UNLIMITED. Shopping carts with unlimited items.
Well, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to know nothing is
without limits.
If you have a pickup truck or
SUV and say it can hold unlimited bricks, you would know if you
keep loading bricks into it, eventually it will just collapse.
This is precisely what happens
with PHP programs. People think the program is unlimited and just
keep adding and adding until the coding cannot manage the data
efficiently, then the program slows down or becomes unresponsive.
People first tend to blame the
hosting company for having slow servers and then when that fails
they blame PHP for being a bad language.
Programming languages are just
tools. They all have merits and all can provide great platforms
for web based applications, but without a professional programmer
writing the code every program has the potential to become a