A Page a Day or Keep your Customers Away!

Everything good in this world has taken time to build, nothing great is done overnight even God took 6 days to create the earth and he needed rest after hauling all the buckets of sand for our beaches and gallons of water for our oceans from where ever he was getting it from.

Mountains took millions of years to raise from the ground and even humans took millions of years to evolve into what we are now. Modern medicine has evolved over centuries and even the Obamacare website took 3 years and that is not good at all. Hopefully that will not take millions of years to get right.

The point is, everything comes one day at a time.

If you exercise, you do it every day or a few times a week before you have those six pack abs. If you train for sports, it takes years before you can compete at professional levels.

And the search engines think of websites the exact same way. They don't expect websites to come up overnight with 10,000 or a million pages and be something of value.

They want to see progress, movement and growth over time.

If your website was built 5 years ago ad still has the same 5 pages that you started with, you are wasting your time.

Add A New Page Every Day

If you add a new webpage every day, the search indexes will see at as positive growth and rank your entire website much higher.

Just like an exercise program, a little at a time adds up to a lot in the end. It is not something you can just pay someone to do for you, you have to get down, dirty and build a few pages yourself.

So look at it this way.

If you add a page a day for 1 year, you will have 365 pages. But more importantly, you have 365 pages of keywords that people will find and because you are on a steady growth pattern Google, Yahoo and Bing will all see that as actively developed content and know it is relevant and current as well as informative.

Websites just can't be built over night anymore than mountains can raise up from the ground over night. Rivers took millions of years to carve out the Grand Canyon and you will need more than 15 minutes to care out a place for your business online.

What all the SEO experts don't tell you is that websites that have been online the longest are ranked the highest. So getting a new website is like being a new born baby. Everybody looks at it and says "Oh that is cute" but it will be many years before it grows up and has the respect of being an adult.

As a company that has had sites online since 1997 we know the impact of having pages on old websites. We know we have an SEO advantage that no new site has and they is because it took time and now Google knows if the site has been up everyday since 1997 and is still actively being updated that it deserves a good place in the SERPS (search engine result pages).

But that does not mean you can't buy a new domain and get customers. It just means it will take longer and you have to work harder.

If you can add one article or information page each day, you can beat the competition, because they don't have the will and the drive to do it.

The reason people win Olympic Medals is because they train, daily for many years. They were not Olympic Athletes when they started, they had to work up to that level.

You website will not be high in the searches when you open, you need to work up to it.

As I sit here and write this article on pageBuzz.com I am adding more content, more information and more keywords to our website. This is a process, not a game, not an easy button that you push.

pageBuzz has been online since 2005 when we replaced our original small business hosting website BumblebeeWorks.com with a more updated system. Since then we have added hundreds of programs and pages as well as building hundreds of pages on supporting websites.

All of this took time, one page at a time, one day at a time.

Now we have hundreds of our own website related to website hosting and thousands of pages which drive traffic our way and generate new signups daily.

It was not that easy back in 2004 with a band new business and a new domain name. But over time and we built the network and developed new software we grew.

And now with huge placements in the search engines with people finding our pages and articles every single day we still continue to add pages, because we know we need it and we know it works.

I can tell you during the year we spent moving from our Michigan datacenter to our new Florida datacenter we spent all of our resources on hardware, networking and very little on website content and it showed.

Traffic slowed down, signups slowed down and the business needed a kick in the ass once we got settled in the new location.

It is amazing how productive just adding one page a day can be and how destructive not adding anything for a year can be.

I am not telling you from a point of an outside observer, this is what happened to us when we were asleep at the wheel. Ignoring the web while we move the back end.

While it was necessary and has led to great improvements in our network it also cost us dearly in the search indexes.

But we have gotten back on track with more content, updated website designs and new programming for customers.

If you think building a website and forgetting about it will be OK, then you better reconsider that choice.

If you can't add at least one page a day, no big deal, but at least make a schedule that you can keep. If that is one page a week or one page a month, try to update existing pages and make changes so that the search engines realize you did not die and forget about the website.

Every change you make will pay you back in the form of valuable SEO and high placement in the search engines.


©1997 - 2021 Bumblebee Works & The Cyber Web Inc
pageBuzz.com is a subdivision of BumbleBee Works
Web Hosting
pageBuzz® and pageBuzz.com® are registered trademarks of The Cyber Web Inc