FREE Search Engine
Submission Service
Everyone wants to know how
people will find them after their website is finished. pageBuzz
provides free search engine submission services to all websites hosted
on our servers. A feature unique to pageBuzz and not available at any
other company.
Our unique SEO and
Submission tool allows you to announce your website to every search
engine using the keywords that you specify.
Most companies will try to
prevent the crawlers from accessing your website because it can
get very expensive in bandwidth fees. So they block search
engines and slow down the indexing process by telling the
searches they can only index 1 or 2 pages each month. This is
very bad for you but saves them money and is part of the reason
they can offer such low prices. They know that allowing a crawler
to read 2500 pages could cost them several dollars and if 20
crawlers read your website for 30 days they would need to charge
you several hundred dollars for usage. Contrary to what they tell
you this is widely practiced and can cripple your website with
respect to the searches.
pageBuzz does not limit the
crawlers and actually invites them to access your website.
Websites at pageBuzz are usually indexed much faster than on
other systems. This is due to the search engine submission tool
in the website management console.
We offset the bandwidth costs
by optimizing traffic levels and using excess bandwidth feedoffs
from high traffic users. By buying unused bandwidth that is
already paid for, we get it for pennies on the dollar. This means
you get indexed first and have unlimited traffic to your website
with no additional submission or bandwidth fees.
Unique technology first
pioneered by WebCrawler in the early days of the Internet allows
the search engines to request data from website pages. With
extensive programing the data offered back to the bots is tweaked
and tricked to seem delicious. This is basic SEO technology, but
it is dynamically generated instantly at request based on
predefined parameters.
It is not really all that
complicated, but it is very effective. Placing your website high
in the rankings and driving traffic directly to you. pageBuzz is
the only company that can offer this service and our company has
made millions using it to promote our own websites. Now it is
available as a teaser to get you to host your site with us. And
that is one hell of a feature! One that is too hard to overlook.