Web Hosting for Ratings and Reviews

If you have surfed the net you have seen countless ratings and review websites. Some will rate local restaurants or new movies, songs or entertainment. Others will rate products or websites or services. In all cases they need the programming to run and manage user comments, security and display pages.

We have created "Rate & Review 1.0" which is a ready to go program for running and managing one of those review type websites.

As a side note: The same review program is integrated into our ecommerce shopping system so products that are being sold can also be reviewed by visitors just like on the big commercial retail websites.

In the back end we provide tools to add new review items, manage user comments, set security and posting rules and make regular updates. On the front end we provide searchable reviews, a complete review gallery and full customizable review pages.

Like most of our programs the rate and review program can be run in default mode which works for almost every application, or it can be customized to fit your particular website even better.

Left is a screen capture of a restaurant review website with one review and the review form. You can see the stars and the reviewed topics and get a general idea of what the review pages can look like. Of course the page is completely data driven, so any design option is possible by plugging the data into your own design.

You can set up to 10 review fields that can be rated from 1 to 5. Those ratings are displayed by icons such as stars, thumbs up, award ribbons etc. We provide a gallery of ready to go icon sets or you can upload your own icons to make your review site design truly unique. Icons will display full, half or empty giving each review the equivalency of a 10 scale. The default star set is shown below in a 2 and a half star rating.

Each user can also add comments to the numbered ratings which are databased and displayed with the newest reviews first and back to the older reviews. Each item can have up to 250 current reviews with a total of 1000 review items or 250,000 user contributed comments.

Run a Rating and Review Website

The rate and review program can drive your entire website such as on a website hosting review site or it can be used as an aside to give users a weigh in on an existing website. Combined with other user interactive programs such as the forum it is possible to create a community of users that contribute and build a website contents to massive sizes.

User contributed content is the best way to optimize a website for search because it provides unique and abundant and changing text on the pages that search engines rank higher than typical static pages.

The review pages can include an affiliate or web link. Those links use masking so affiliate codes are not visible to users or search engines. This makes the rate and review program a powerful tool for affiliate marketers that understand how much income these types of programs can generate. But equally as useful to the average website owner that just wans more traffic to their own pages.

pageBuzz.com provides loads of programs that allow for user contributions but this program is unique in that it does not require anyone to register and is open to all visitors.

Security & Posting Review

The program uses lock post and captcha protections to prevent bot spam and manual overloading. An additional spam filter removes words that you specify so no profanity or obscenities are posted automatically. However the safest route is always to use the manual review tools and have an actual human check the posts before displaying them on the website.

Program Configuration

The configuration is quite extensive with cell roll overs and special effects, different display options and content settings. But for the ultimate page any webmaster can upload a fully customized template that will replace the review pages. This makes this program fully compatible with any design without limits.

Webmasters can use the standard review form or build their own, add in search capabilities and advanced features or just use the default settings for simplicity.

Beyond the Ratings & Review Program

We offer a complete suite of web based programs and management tools with every website. Which programs you use it totally up to you and the cost will always remain the same. Specialty programs such as the rate and review program are not available at any other hosting company and are difficult to find at all. However our platform not only offers a fully functional and supported rate and review program we also make it easy to use and customizable as well.

It has become our goal is to create programs that fill needs that other hosting companies just cannot. Those programs need to be easy to use for the Internet novice as well as offering advanced tools for the experienced webmasters to take the designs to a whole new level.

The rate and review program meets that goal and more.

When combined with the extensive library of menu tools:

  • page building tools

  • web page editors

  • slideshow builders,

  • graphics tools

  • and the rest of the pageBuzz.com website builder

You just can't find anything for $20 a month that even comes close to providing the tools to build professional websites with unique and specialized content. At pageBuzz.com we did not invent website hosting but we did perfect it for the average user.

So nobody has to load one program on the home page and call it day. With our system and tools you can add more pages, sell products or even run other programs like forms to discuss topics in threaded discussions and more details that just reviews.

We have developed not just a rate and review program for websites but a complete platform for building websites and it has a rate and review system included in the features.

That is significantly different than hosts that have a rate and review system as the main product which will severely limit the growth of your website.

The idea is to grow and if there is no room for growth in your hosting plan, what is the point of getting started?

Before you spend countless hours setting up your rate and review website on another hosting provider, try our website building demo and see what we have to offer. Ten minutes now may save you hundreds of hours later.



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