Password Protected Area

We provide an isolated members directory which you can automate signups or manually add users. You can charge for access automatically via Paypal or open the area to free signups.

We don't encourage people to attempt to build paid members areas because our website is not really the right platform to support the type of content or the volume of content to justify a paid recurring membership.

However, the members area does provide a login area that businesses can use to display wholesale price lists or information for sales people that should not be available to the general public.

The ability to password protect data that you want to share can have value to any business and is a great tool to allow limited access to authorized individuals.

There are some people running information type sites and will charge for access to articles, stock tips, job and rental lists for local areas.

You can charge any amount for access and allow such access for any period of time. You could post a daily list of new properties offered by your real estate office that only your sales people have access to.

Or you could sell 1 day access for $10 and force anyone to pay for access to the hot properties list.

You can allow one person 1 day access for $1 and sell 30 days for $30. It is pretty flexible and will handle most basic applications where password protection is needed.

The protected members management and password access area are a standard feature in the pageBuzz hosting platform.



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