Website Guestbook

Guestbooks have been around since the early days in the Internet and have remained a strong tool in getting feedback and testimonials on your website from visitors.

As long as the programs have been around they have continued to evolve with spam blocking, editing and filtering tools. Our guestbook is no different.

We have posting security, automated or user reviewed posts and even captcha protection to prevent bots from filling up the pages with spam.

Our guestbook is a great addition to any website to let your visitors sound off about your product or service. If you are running an e-commerce website or a property rental website it does not matter, comments from users will help push new users to your products.

A well established guestbook is a great tool for any company used as a list of references showing the volumes of customers you have as well as how they feel about your product or service.

The guestbook offers a great simple interface for any business owner to manage those comments and post the most favorable while filtering out the spam or abusive posts.

It is not new technology but it is sound and having input from outside sources makes your site more dynamic and fun for people to visit. In every case websites are more successful if the allows users to participate in the website. This is an old solution for what users want today and fills a great need for simple and inexpensive websites.

The Guestbook allows for multiple formats, color configurations and looks that can compliment any websites design. With our flexible web page layouts it is very easy for the average user to manage a great looking and fun guestbook on their website.


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