Deluxe CSS Menu Builder

The new deluxe css menu builder is a result of all the struggling webmasters trying to build css menus using text editors. Our customers are far from professional webmasters and trying to understand classes and ids and trying to assign elements, fonts and conditions to them is just not doable.

So we created the Deluxe CSS Menu builder which is a WYSIWYG Menu Editor. Using simple color selectors, slidebars and check boxes you can create a custom css roll over menu in just a couple of minutes.

Shown below is the menu interface.

There are 3 sections with options to modify, General, Buttons and Headings. Displayed is the buttons tab showing the slidebards which can adjust the width and color selections that can adjust the colors.

The preview on the right is a working example of the menu. As you change border style, colors, roll over colors, text colors etc, you will see the changes in the preview. You can run your mouse over the menu to observe the rollover colors and effects as you make the adjustments.

This tool is truly one of the most innovative and useful menu builders ever conceived. You can save the settings and come back any time and make adjustments making the menu as easy to edit as the pages.

For the webmaster that know everything and wants to play with the css, no problem. Just edit the menu file that is generated by the tool or upload your own. However, with the menus that this tool is capable of producing, it is unlikely you will need to edit any of css.


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