Adding The Bible To Your Website

pageBuzz does not have any religious associations, but we try to make as much content available for our customers as possible. One of the items we were able to secure was the King James Bible. It has been set up in database format and is searchable.

This allows you to include the bible if you have a Christian charity or organization, church or ministry you can make the bible available right on your website. Since most homes do not have Bibles, you can insure that your congregation has access to one.

Since we did not prepare the content we can not be responsible for the accuracy or formating of the pages. It is simply offered as a feature that you can add to your pages. Many faith based organizations use pageBuzz because it is inexpensive and works well when several people are involved updating the website from several different locations.

If you are interested in a sample check out the Bible on our sample website

Just as in the case of car dealers, we make tools available to support our customers. Most people will not be displaying cars for sale. Many people like this feature, but as with all of the features, you only use the ones you need.



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