Creating a Plan To Build A Website

Since you have no clue about what a website can do, how much it will cost or what to expect it is hard to plan much. If you can accept that, then go ahead, jump right in and start your online business.

No, I am not joking. As long as you remember you do not know what you are doing, you should be safe.

Just don't over step what you know and don't believe that someone can make your website some million dollar cash cow for $200 with their secret search engine optimization. For every dreamer there are 10 scammers waiting with to rake you over the coals.

You can plan all day long, but the truth is that websites can cost from a few dollars to a few million dollars.

A successful website could require its own server and like everything else, that can cost from a few hundred dollars to nearly one hundred thousand dollars for a single high end machine. You could even spend well over a million dollars for a grid of servers to manage large databases.

This is a market of technology and make no mistake, technology is not cheap.

As an example, look at google.

What appears to be a very basic website. Very little content or developed pages in comparison to sites with millions of hand written pages, article and features.

However, despite the content being automated it is run by thousands of employees. They use over 100,000 servers to manage their website. That simple website that for most people looks like one plain page with a search box.

The company is currently valued at 300 BILLION dollars, yest that is Billion. On of the highest valued companies in the world. Their technology cost millions of dollars to build and the number would make the average persons head spin.

Yet there are people looking to build a google type website with budgets of $100 to $1000.00. And they believe that they can. So first, you need to take a reality check and get a grasp on what you can do for $20/month.

Understanding Your Budget

If you use pageBuzz, you can do quite a lot. Not to toot our own horn, but it is an awesome system.

You get all the tools you need to run a shopping website or other type of site for one low price. The only drawback is that you can not run your own programs or edit pages using programs such as FrontPage. But that is not a bad thing if you are new, because you probably don't know how to program code anyway.

If you use other people's software, you are stuck with what they wrote or faced with paying the developer huge amounts of money to customize the application for you.

It is unlikely that you are prepared to pay thousands of dollars to modify programs, so your stuck with what is available cheap. On the upside, there is a load of free or inexpensive programming available.

If you need something as simple as a shopping cart, pageBuzz is the best option. Having been tested by thousands of users and maintained in one location by a team of programmers. You can manage thousands of products and sales. However if you plan on having hundreds of thousands of sales, you will need to look at alternate solutions.

Of course you could never run a for $20/month on standard pageBuzz software. But you need to get started someplace and get started without paying one million dollars for a website.

Even an inexpensive website can produce many a millions of dollars a year in sales. In most cases there is no need to buy outlandish programs or hire programmers to build your website. And if you do, you will be dependent on those people to build modify or manage your website for the rest of your life.

Work Slow and Steady

We always suggest starting slow, spending your money on advertising and building traffic. If the site does well, they you can always build on it or create a new site with the money you earn. That is just common business sense.

The website is not going to take off as soon as you post a page. So there is no need to plan big from day one.

Use a system like pageBuzz, build a cool website and get your feet wet. The value you get from a year of learning will save you loads of wasted money as you grow.

If you need to start big, you need to consult with people that know what they are doing.

That means people that have made money doing what you want to do, not someone that thinks they are a professional webmaster. If they claim to be a professional and have not made money in the industry, they don't know how, or else they would do it.

We encounter these professionals daily, most do not even have their own website. We have seen some that are hosted on FREE systems with banner ads. If they can not pay $5/month for a website how can you really take them seriously?

Lots of people have advice, many charging for it. But how many have successful online businesses that have made millions of dollars online. Look to those people for advice and resist the people selling you a dream on craigslist.

Your website can be a huge business or it can be a huge money pit. With out good information and planning, you will build a money pit. So take it slow and steady.

Here are some basic tips to follow when planning a website:

  • Have a budget in mind

  • Have a time frame in mind

  • Have a goal in mind

  • Compare resources and prices

Having a Budget in Mind

If you budget is $100 or $100,000, you need to start with that first. What kind of website can you build for your budget, who can you afford to hire?

With only a couple of thousand dollars you can't really get much at all if you are paying someone $100 an hour to do the work. 20 hours will not build much no matter who you have do it.

So if you have a low budget, consider doing some of the work yourself and using programs that are already available rather than trying to create everything from the ground up.

If you spend $20 on a website at for a basic store you can compare that to a website that would cost $20,000 to build from scratch.

That is because the programming is already in place and does not have to be developed from the ground up.

You also have to consider that the CMS that lets you manage the site would cost over a million dollars to create, and you use it for just the low monthly hosting fee.

So trying to develop a website from scratch does not make a lot of sense when companies like pageBuzz have already done all of the work for you.

Now, if you want to run your own website like pageBuzz, Facebook or, then you will be looking at a real serious development budget as well as a whole lot of time and resources.

For the sake of this article I wont go into how to plan a multi million dollar website since those people are not looking to us for advice.

Have a Time Frame in Mind

How long do you have to build the website and can it be done in the time you need it?

We have people call us all the time and they want a website in 3 days, we can do that no problem, but can you manually load 2000 products for sale in 3 days? NO!

You have to have a reasonable grasp on how much time will be needed to execute the plan.

If you need programming written, that an sometimes take months depending on how detailed it is. Of course this is directly related to your budget, because a $2000 website budget wont pay a good programmer for 30 days of work.

Obviously the longer it takes the more money it will cost but even a simple site mite take a while if you depend on outside vendors. Companies can't usually drop everything and start on your project. While it may only be 10 hours of coding, they have other projects to do before they can do yours.

This means, if you have a programmer that you have to wait 30 days for, the webmaster can't start the design until they have the parameters of the program to design for. So each piece can stop the entire project.

Even a $2000 budget can turn into a 6 month project with out any bumps in the road.

Have a Goal in Mind

Have a goal as to what the website needs to do for you and your business. Does the website need to handle 200 sales a day or 200 sales a minute.

It will be important to plan system resources for the amount of work that you need the website to do and what you want it to do.

Will you be launching on such and such a date? What has to be in place.

Make sure you have a detailed outline of times, dates and expectations for the website.

Our customers call us with, "I want a home pages, a shop online page, an about us page and a contact page".

That my friend, is not a plan.

You need more details so you can plan all the aspects of the website. When, where, how and why.

What will the finished product be and how will it interface with your business?

If you sell inventory, how will the website track store inventory or how will the store track website inventory?

Consider all the aspects of your sales process now and not after you have the website up and running.

There is nothing worse than spending the full budget, launching the website and realizing you forgot something important. It happens all the time, don't let it happen to you.

Compare Resources and Prices

Every one and everything is going to offer something unique at different prices and service levels.

If you are Walmart, pageBuzz $20 websites can't handle your volume. If you are a car dealer, pageBuzz has a great solution for you.

So it is important to ask, shop and compare.

See what one company will charge over another.

Will you need support? If you hire contractors to build a website, where is the support when you need it?

If you use pageBuzz, you have support 7 days a week.

Contractors charge $50 an hour, pageBuzz charges $20 a month. So you need to look at all the options and see what is going to be the most cost effective for your business.

Like I said, you can spend $20 or $20 million, it is up to you, but, you always have to plan, shop and compare to get the most out of your money.


If you have a plan, then website construction will be easy. If you just wing it, that is OK, but it tends to drag things along and slow the entire process.

Have goals, time frames and completion dates planned out so you can organize all the parts you need and make sure it is completed on schedule.

Allow extra time for hiccups and vendors that bit off more than the can chew.

No plan will go as planned, but it you have one that is flexible and workable at least you wont get lost in the middle of the road.



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